where we're having conversations at the intersection of building values-based food systems that prioritize humans (ourselves included) and the earth, with ways to live more sustainably every day.

We're talking about everything from composting and herbal remedies, to seeking out food experiences when you travel, U.S. agri-food policy, agroecology, and food tech.

Ready to listen? You can find us on Spotify, Amazon Music, and right here on our website.

Our mission

Bridge the gap in the sustainability and food conversations: systemic solutions and individual change aren't antithetical opposites, but necessary co-components to surviving and finding sustainable pathways through our current climate and environmental crises.

Our vision

A world of just, equitable, regenerative, and abundant food systems for all of us.

We're here to help you feel informed on topics you feel passionate about, so that you're comfortable taking action -both big and small - at home and in your community to help create the change you want to see in the world.

Listen to the latest episodes of Eat Rooted